För första gången i livet vet jag mitt värde

"There are strong emotions brewing within you, signaling a time of major change.
You've personally changed in healthy ways, becoming more sensitive and also more strong.
Your tolerance for toxic and stressful situations has changed as well.
On the one hand, you are better equipped to deal with stress.
On the other hand, you have higher self-esteem now.
You also value your time and want to make every moment count.
Today is about making clear decisions about changes that will free up your energy and time, so that you can devote yourself more to meaningful and purposeful activities.
This card signals an existential choice of how you will spend your time, and with whom, and where.
Today is about answering those questions, with complete honesty towards yourself.
Once you make these decisions, the actions will follow naturally.
The universe always helps those who have clear intensions.
Your card says that your health will also improve as you let go of stressful situations".
Intuitionen styr mig rätt. Jag får en försmak av någonting annat. Och jag vet. Att där vill jag vara. Så infinner sig lugnet. Mentalt är jag redan där. 


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